Spiral Concept
It draws a spiral..
It draws a spiral..
A collection of libraries I have written to make my programs run easier. I placed them into a Delphi Component to easily drop onto a form
When you are young, and have lots of programming friends, all you want to do is write your own Role Playing Game. I spent too much wasted time on this project, never finished it. Wrote this entire scripting language and map editor to go with it, and had this crazy idea of making it multi player.
Here's the source code, maybe someone else will finish it!
Wrote this in a staff meeting, to demonstrate how fast a computer can crack a password.
pwhackerdemo.zip209.83 KB - The Program and Source Code
english.zip8.87 MB - The dictionary used
A few years ago, I decided to write my own PHP status script. This one queries the TCP/UDP port of the service as opposed to quering SNMP. It also does a ping, and graphs that information.
Simply install into PHP server, setup Database and add Hosts. Run the INDEX.PHP in a CRON job every few minutes to build data.